The Best of Mecomp Multimedia 1
install magicstartmenu
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225 lines
; MagicStartMenu Installation Script
; Copyright © 1996 by Ralph Torchia
; $VER:MagicStartMenu v1.0 (07-23-96)
(set @PRGVersion "1.0")
(set @logo-choice "logo.bru")
(set @default-dest "SYS:")
; Let's Introduce ourselves
("\nWelcome to the Magic StartMenu %s installer script.\n\n" @PRGVersion)
(" MagicStartMenu documentation comes in AmigaGuide format. Make sure to read this in order to complete the installation process.\n")
(" Follow the installer script's instructions to install Magic StartMenu.\n")
; Where is StartMenu located???
(set @default-dest
(prompt "Where is the StartMenu Drawer Located?")
(help "The install script needs to know where the StartMenu drawer is found on your system.")
(default @default-dest)
; Is the StartMenu drawer really where the user said it is???
(if (<> (exists (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu")) 2)
(exit "The StartMenu drawer is not located here!\nInstallation is halted." (quiet))
; Give the user a choice of a Logo
(message "There are 3 logos that you can choose from.\n Press \"Proceed\" to see a sample picture...")
(run "SYS:utilities/multiview logosample.iff")
(set @choice
(prompt "Which logo would you like to have installed for StartMenu?")
(choices ("1 - White Amiga Text")
("2 - Colour Gradiant Bkgd")
("3 - Black Amiga Text")
(help "Choice 1 is my favourite...")
(if (= @choice 0) (set @logo-choice "logo.bru"))
(if (= @choice 1) (set @logo-choice "logo2.bru"))
(if (= @choice 2) (set @logo-choice "logo3.bru"))
; Copy the all the main files to the StartMenu drawer
(prompt "Copying icon/brushes to %s" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Main")
(pattern "#?")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
; If StartMenuLite is present then copy the necessary files
(if (= (exists (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/StartMenuLite.info")) 1)
(prompt "Copying icon to %s" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenuLite"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon "Main/" "StartMenu.info"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
(newname "StartMenuLite.info")
(prompt "Re-Setting PATH tooltype for StartMenuLite Icons.")
(help "StartMenu requires the PATH tooltype set to the directory to where it is located.")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/StartMenuLite"))
(settooltype "PATH" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
; If StartMenuUlraLite is present then copy the necessary files
(if (= (exists (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/StartMenuUltraLite.info")) 1)
(prompt "Copying icon to %s" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenuUltraLite"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon "Main/" "StartMenu.info"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
(newname "StartMenuUltraLite.info")
(prompt "Re-Setting PATH tooltype for StartMenuUltraLite Icons.")
(help "StartMenu requires the PATH tooltype set to the directory to where it is located.")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/StartMenuUltraLite"))
(settooltype "PATH" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
; Don't forget to reset the StartMenu icon PATH tooltype
(prompt "Re-Setting PATH tooltype for StartMenu Icons.")
(help "StartMenu requires the PATH tooltype set to the directory to where it is located.")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/StartMenu"))
(settooltype "PATH" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
; We don't need these logo files that we copied
(delete (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/logo2.bru"))
(delete (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/logo3.bru"))
; Copy the appropriate logo file
(prompt "Copying logo to %s" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon "Main/" @logo-choice))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
(newname "logo.bru")
; Copy all of the brush files
(prompt "Copying brushes to %s" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Brushes"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Brushes")
(pattern "#?")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Brushes"))
; Copy all the new icons to the Extras directory
(prompt "Copying icons to %s" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Extras"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Extras")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Extras"))
(pattern "#?")
; Set new icons for WinControl in the StartUp
(if (= (exists (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Startup/WinControl.info")) 1)
(prompt "Copying icon to %s" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Startup/WinControl"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon "Extras/WinControl" "WinControl.info"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Startup"))
; Is WCPrefs in the SYS:Prefs with an ugly icon?
(if (= (exists "SYS:Prefs/WCPrefs") 1)
(prompt "Copying WCPref icon to SYS:Prefs")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon "Extras/WinControl" "WCPrefs.info"))
(dest "SYS:Prefs")
; Set new icons for WinMaster in the Startup
(if (= (exists (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Startup/WinMaster.info")) 1)
(prompt "Copying icon to %s" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Startup/WinMaster"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon "Extras/WinMaster" "WinMaster.info"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu/Startup"))
; Don't forget to Copy the new StartMenu drawer icon!!!
(prompt "Copying icon to %s" (tackon @default-dest "StartMenu"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/MagicStartMenu.info")
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "StartMenu.info")
; Bye-Bye!